Should I rest the meat after cooking, and why?
Do we really need to let freshly grilled meat rest for a few minutes before slicing and eating it? The answer is ‘’yes’’, and in this article we explain why that is.
In order to enjoy a delicious cut of meat, we have to follow a certain procedure, like a “ritual”. First, we choose good quality meat. Then we make sure to preserve it properly, marinate it (preferably), cook it properly (that is, not to overcook it) and finally let it rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.
Resting meat is an often-skipped step, but it can make the difference between a tasty and juicy steak, and one that’s lean and dry. By resting the meat we get:
- Redistribution of meat juices: During cooking, the juices of the meat move towards its center. Resting allows these juices to redistribute evenly throughout the meat, making the meat juicier and tastier.
- Continued Cooking: Meat cooking is continued in lower intensity even after its removal from the heat source, due to the temperature it has developed. Resting therefore helps on the one hand to avoid overcooking and on the other hand to keep the meat at the desired level of doneness.
- Flavor Enhancement: Resting also allows the aromas and flavor of the meat to fully develop. The juices that return to the meat fibers enhance the taste experience.
- Weight Maintenance: Meat loses about 13% of its weight during rare-medium cooking. If we cut it right after cooking, most of the meat’s juices will spill onto the cutting surface. So, to the initial 13% weight loss, there is another at least 9% loss added, bringing the total loss to 22%. If we cut it 2.5 minutes after cooking, the total reduction in weight will be about 19%. At 5 minutes it will be 16% and at 8 minutes it will be at 15%. This means that if we wait at least 8 minutes before cutting our meat, we will get 7% more product on our plate than if we had cut it immediately.
The duration of the rest varies depending on the type of meat, the cut, and the thickness of each piece.
For beef (less than 3.8 cm thick): See the aforementioned example on weight maintenance.
For chicken and pork, resting the meat for 5-10 minutes will do.
Για το μοσχαρίσιο κρέας και για κομμάτια πάχους μεγαλύτερο των 4 cm ίσως να χρειάζονται 15 – 20 λεπτά ξεκούρασης. Αν διαθέτετε ένα οικιακό θερμόμετρο, το κρέας σας πρέπει να θεωρείται έτοιμο να κοπεί όταν η θερμοκρασία στο κέντρο του φτάσει τους 49°C. Σε αυτό το στάδιο, οι μυϊκές ίνες έχουν χαλαρώσει αρκετά ώστε να μην έχετε πρόβλημα με την απώλεια χυμών του κρέατος.
For beef and cuts thicker than 4 cm may need 15-20 minutes of rest. If you have a cooking thermometer, your meat should be considered ready to be sliced when the temperature in its center reaches 49°C. At this stage, the muscle fibers have relaxed enough for the meat not to lose its juices.
Place the meat on a plate or wooden cutting board and cover it lightly with aluminum foil to keep it warm. Do not wrap it – the meat must get air and cool naturally and slowly.
Alternatively, you can also place the meat on a rack (placed over a tray), or on a cutting surface. This way, air will circulate around the meat, helping it maintain crispy on the outside.
Resting meat after cooking is a simple but important step that can improve the quality and taste of the meats we consume. By following these tips, you can create more delicious and juicy dishes for your friends and family.