Pork: cuts and cooking
Basic pork cuts and how to cook them
Pork is one of Greek’s favorite meats. In fact, according to research, until 2017 it was the first in meat consumption – from 2018 it is second after poultry meat. And it makes sense as it is a healthy red meat with rich nutritional value. But like any meat, it has its secrets. Some pieces of this kind of meat are leaner and others are fatter. Some are ideal for grilling, and others are better cooked in a casserole.
Nowadays pork head is not often used in cooking. However, it is a part that, if handled properly, can provide really delicious dishes. You can cook it in the oven or in casserole.
A traditional Greek dish (mezes), Pichti or Tsiladia, is continuously produced from this part, since antiquity. From this part, we also take out pork cheeks, which make a great casserole dish. Guanciale, the cold cut used in the preparation of the authentic Italian carbonara, is also made from pork cheeks.
A part with enough fat, extremely soft and tasty. The fat in the neck is distributed evenly and intramuscularly throughout the part, which makes the neck an excellent piece for steaks (with or without a bone). It is an ideal cut for skewers (souvlaki), gyros, kontosouvli, grilled dishes and of course cooked dishes (braised or lemon).
Pork’s shoulder provides us with several different cuts and dishes. This is the part from where we get the much popular pork rib-eye steaks, which are excellent for pan and grill. They contain a lot of fat, so they become soft and very tasty.
Some cuts of the shoulder are fattier, so they make for skewers, kontosouvli, and pan-fried pork, but also for minced meat. Other cuts are best for roll, oven or casserole cooking. From the shoulder, we also take the pork ribs, a cut that is very popular in many countries.
Steaks come from the back of the pork, the [art following the shoulder. For-rib steaks (with the characteristic bone) are the most common pork steaks, and can be cooked in the pan, on the grill or in the oven.
It is the leanest and most tender part of the pork, and is found inside the animal’s spine. Ideal for grilling (as a whole) but also in pan (as a cut).
Pork belly is one of the fattest parts of the animal, and thus a very tasty one. The bacon and the pancetta (cold cut) are made from the belly, from where we also get the pork belly steaks, which are great for grilling or oven cooking.
7. LEG
One of the leanest parts of the pork; it can be cooked in different ways and different cuts. From this part, we take the rump, which we can casserole or oven cook, use it for skewers or kontosouvli or open it in a roll. From the leg, we also take the thin slices that we use for schnitzel.
It is the lower part of the thigh and the upper part of the foot. It has a high content of fat and collagen, and if cooked properly (it takes several hours), it becomes extremely tasty. A great choice for baking in the oven and the hull, but also for casserole cooking